Seventrees Library has CLOSED!
Seventrees Library is closed! Come visit us in 2010 when we are rebuilt across the street from our old location! We will be much larger and have a community center to accomodate all your needs! See you then!
A San Jose Public Library Branch
Seventrees Library is closed! Come visit us in 2010 when we are rebuilt across the street from our old location! We will be much larger and have a community center to accomodate all your needs! See you then!
Seventrees Staff
1:34 PM
Seventrees Staff
2:36 PM
Hey folks,
Just for your information, half of our staff are of the gender: females! SO, in appreciation of their presence here and everywhere, we are having a "Women History Quiz" all month long. Hooray! The quiz has ten questions on women's who's who in history. What is the price, you ask? Bookmarks and books, and a chance to win a $20 gift certificate for Target! Come on, pick up the quiz form at the Information Desk OR click on the quiz in the moving banner above and be the first to pick the good books from the prize cart!
Have fun!
Seventrees Staff
12:37 PM
Congratulations to Javier, who won a $24.95 Napster gift card just for checking something out at the library!
Seventrees Staff
6:25 PM
Here are the results! Congratulations to Andrea, who won the drawing!
H. R. Clinton: 2
C. J. Dodd: 2
M Gravel: 1
B Obama: 4 WINNER
A Keyes: 1
R. Paul: 1
S. Brownback: 2 WINNER
American Independents:
D. J. Grundmann: 1
M. M. Riekse: 3 WINNER
D. B. Templin: 2
J. Johnson: 3 WINNER
K Swift: 1
G. D. J. Phillies: 1
C. Smith: 2 WINNER
B. Jackson: 1
Propositions (All propositions passed!):
91: Yes 7 WINNER No 5
92: Yes 10 WINNER No 2
93: Yes 8 WINNER No 3
94: Yes 8 WINNER No 2
95: Yes 6 WINNER No 5
96: Yes 6 WINNER No 5
97: Yes 6 WINNER No 5
Seventrees Staff
3:01 PM
If you were wondering what the answers were to our January 2008 quiz, here they are:
1. 4pi
2. gerund
3. Knocked Up and Superbad
4. Boston Red Sox
5. Rihanna's "Umbrella"
6. Elements
8. George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush AND John Adams and John Quincy Adams
9. Germany, Italy, and Japan
10. Jordin Sparks
BONUS: Social bookmarking web site.
Congratulations to Janel, who was the only person to get all the answers correct!
Seventrees Staff
1:58 PM
Perhaps the most dastardly creation of man, the Rubik's Cube has all but consumed my mental state, leaving me with a headache.
Seventrees Staff
11:21 AM
So this review is of a movie in which my co-workers and I both despise. Superman Returns, which was released in the summer of 2006, receives our stamp of disapproval. This slow paced movie tells the story of a world without Superman. Evidently, Superman had up and left Earth for 5 years and no one really cared. Apparently the film ommitted this portion of the movie, due to budget issues.
So Superman finally returns, coincidentally crash landing into the same field he crashed into when he was a child. He sleeps off his jet lag and wakes up in the morning to speedily clean up his mess. He returns to Metropolis and begins working at the Daily Planet again. For some reason, no one figured out that Clark Kent comes back after being missing for 5 years, and coincidentally Superman returns at around the same time he does.
From this point on the slow and dragged out pace of the movie makes you realize why the movie didn't break even in the United States. I'm sure everyone came out to see the latest Superman movie only as a homage to the deceased Christopher Reeves. Its no secret why there will most likely be no sequel to this movie.
Verdict: Rent it first, then be glad you didn't buy it. Wouldn't watch it a second time.
Seventrees Staff
10:23 AM
Seventrees Staff
1:02 PM
While working at a library, you run across of interesting books that you want to read, but you don't really find time to. You see it on the shelf mocking you as you passby every day, but you don't pick it up and read it. One day, you reluctantly decide that you will read that book and put it in its place. Sadly, the book you saw is no longer there and you regret all the times you walked past that book.
What if I don't read? Well now you're just trying to ruin my story aren't you? What I was trying to get to is, you should have read a book, but you didn't know if it was good or not, so you didn't. When you finally decided to read that particular book, it was gone. If only you had heard good things about it, or read a review praising its literary genius. You would have read it earlier right? Right.
So the way I'm approaching this is, I'm going to write reviews of books, movies, video games and whatever else will take up your time. The twist to this is that instead of writing good reviews, I will be writing bad reviews. That way when you pass that book, if it sucks, you'll know it sucks, and you'll never regret not being able to read it.
So stay tuned to this blog, we know you can't wait to read the first review.
Seventrees Staff
2:40 PM
Do you have a child struggling with reading problems?
Seventrees Staff
12:39 PM