Thursday, July 12, 2007

Harry Potter Trivia Quiz Contest

Are you ready for the final month of our Harry Potter wait? YES! As part of the celebration of the movie and the book, we will have a Harry Potter Trivia Quiz for the month of July! So, you have until the end of the month to send me your answers. The winner will get 2 free movie ticket coupons. Here it is:

Harry Potter Trivia Quiz

General Questions:
1. What are muggles?

2. Who is the headmaster of Hogwarts throughout most of the series. (He is Harry’s mentor).

From Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone:
3. Who brings Harry to #4 Privet Drive in the chapter called “The Boy Who Lived” ?

4. What is the name of the three-headed dog that guards the Sorcerer’s Stone at Hogwarts?

5. Who is referred by the term, “He Who Must Not Be Named.”

From Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
6. How do Ron and Harry get to Hogwarts after they miss the Hogwarts Express train?

7. What is the name of the potion Harry, Hermione, and Ron brew in order to masquerade as Slytherin students?

8. What object does Ginny use to write to Tom Riddle (this object is later revealed to be a Horcrux)?

From Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
9. What is Azkaban?

10. What kind of creature is Buckbeak?

11. What kind of broomstick does Harry get from Sirius?

From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
12. What are the names of the three schools that participate in the Triwizard Tournament?

13. Who is “one of the best seekers in the world” (the hero from Bulgaria)?

14. Who ties with Harry to win the Triwizard Tournament?

From Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix:
15. Which Dursley is attacked by a dementor?

16. Who is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who tortures Harry?

17. What does Voldemort want Harry to get from the Hall of Prophecies in the Department of Mysteries?

From Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince:
18. Who is the new Potions Master?

19. What does the Felix Felicis potion do?

20. What is a horcrux?

Game Breaking Bonus Question:
Which male character’s first name is a favorite of J.K. Rowling?

You can either come in to the library to fill out the quiz or you can email me your answers at

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